Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Needful Gospel

I do not seek a hard gospel; we have for that-religion, and it is sufficient. Principles and laws with the promise of a heavenly view but which supply but stills now arrested in prismatic frames of a once animated grace.

Where God was is religion, except the pure and undefiled; and should He show His back, remember His face was covered - write the Genesis, but keep the Exodus, the land promised is nigh. Abraham had the promises,
you have the tablets- let not the cobwebs grow thereon. Jordan is nigh. Ai shall fall.

Neither do I seek an easy gospel, not in these liberally spiralling times- which defocus from Deity to false piety, His Sovereignty to Homo
Sapien-try, from Saviour to self, whose sole message is this age, whose wow is now, whose bother is the all other, He said should be added

Which places me before Eden, and after the forbidden fruit; where my choice is stifled by what is pleasant to the eyes, what is tasty - what makes one wise in their sight. Where my eyes were opened only because my eyes were shut, when nakedness became shame, where clothing became self.

No. I seek a full gospel, untethered,
unfettered, untainted, unpainted, undecorated, unadulterated

Not a contemporary, not an interpreted, not a simplified, not a complicated, not genderised, not tenderized.

Full of spirit, full of dew, full of flame, Without grit, without hue, without blame.

For coming with its own adornments, it is Beauty by itself. Being earlier than the earliest, and by the same token, later than the latest -it needs no updating. The eternal needs no contemporising. Carrying its context, it is from above.

Oh, do I need this gospel. Surely it will inebriate spirit and distill finely upon soul, leaving longing taste of resurrection upon body. Surely it will awaken pristine intentions, eternal bastions, divine alignments, ecclesiaistical assignments, supernatural fortitude, and redemptive gratitude.

Where one cannot be added thereto nor taken therefrom, where one is simply in union with his God- in thought, in service, in words, in
life, in nature, in speech, and in reign!

I seek a full gospel. And who shall present it? Who defying all odds shall satisfy my thirst, even if the waters be hidden in the well of
Bethlehem, that is at the gate! Who shall pour it upon this ground as an offering unto theLord!

For if it is seed, I am soil. Cook with ancient conundrums and grecio-hebraic harangue; Or paint, with christianese platitudes and 21st
century emptitudes, and it shall do me no good. I am but soil, and need none of that. Plant the naked seed. Plant the seed! I am spirit- there I have great need. Give me the gospel. Give me this gospel, or I perish in the
substance, from whence I was formed.

Give me the gospel, so I may breathe. My soul longeth, e'en my heart and flesh crieth. Give it
me, and I shall see. Then shall I wake from the night of sleeps and slumbers. Then shall I live. Then shall I stand. Then shall I be. Give
me this gospel. Tell me about Jesus- bring me to Him. And my requesting shall be ended

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